Δημοσθένης Ταταρίδης

Action 2: Green SME Productive Investment

The action encourages investment projects aimed at the utilization and development of modern technologies, the upgrading of the products produced or services provided and their activities in general, rewarding actions that utilize modern technologies, infrastructures and best practices in matters of energy upgrading and circular economy.

Start of Submission of Applications: Wednesday 22/03/2023 and time 12:00

Minimum / maximum grant budget: 30.000€ up-to 200.000€

Aid rate:Up to 40%

The percentage of the grant may receive a 10% increase, if "Green Transition" costs are carried out and certified GREEN at a rate of at least 20% of the total eligible budget of the investment plan during final verification stage.

Beneficiaries: Existing Small, Very Small and Medium Enterprises, which, among others, should before the date of electronic submission of the funding application:

  • To have at least one (1) complete closed administrative use,
  • To be substantially active (Main Activity Code or Activity Code with the highest revenue) in one (1) eligible activity CA
  • To have the eligible KAD of investment

To have at least two (2) EME of dependent work, during the calendar year preceding the submission of the funding application.

Eligible Expenses

  • Buildings, facilities and surroundings
  • Machinery – Equipment (Contract Expenses)
  • Equipment (GREEN)
  • Certification of Products - Services - Processes
  • Packaging Design – Label – Branding Services
  • Advertising and Outreach Expenses
  • Participation in trade fairs
  • Technical Studies & Consulting Services
  • Means of transport (GREEN) – Mandatory electric vehicles
  • Cost of wages of new employees (new staff from 1 to 3 NIMS )
  • Indirect costs

The date of start of expenditure eligibility is defined as the date of electronic submission of the funding application.

Maximum duration of completion of physical and financial object:Twenty-four (24) months from the date of issuance of the Incorporation Decision.

It is pointed out that the subsidized budget of the investment plan cannot exceed twice the highest turnover achieved in one of the three (or less if the company does not have three) closed management periods of the previous year of submitting the funding application.

Πατήστε ΕΔΩ για να δείτε αναλυτικά τις επιλέξιμες δαπάνες του προγράμματος.

Contact Info


Plateia Dimokratias 4, Thessaloniki, P. C. 54630


2310 475 675



G.C.R. Number: 123 179 906 000

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