Δημοσθένης Ταταρίδης
Action 2: Advanced Digital Transformation of SMEs
Aid regime: REG. EU 651/2014
The priority of Action 2 "Advanced Digital Transformation of SMEs" is the upgrading of very small, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of Medium Digital Maturity, through the utilization of advanced systems and technologies, with which they can improve their position in international markets, to enhance operational flexibility, improve the production process, but also upgrade their competitiveness.
Start of Submission of Applications:: 23/02/2023 and time 12:00
Minimum / maximum grant budget:: 50.000€ up-to 650.000€
Aid rate:: from 10% to 50% depending on the Region, the size of the company and the eligible expenditure.
Beneficiaries: existing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which among others should:
- To have at least one (1) complete closed administrative use,
- Be active in one of the eligible KAD of the investment plan for at least (1) year.
- To have at least one (1) eligible activity KAD, when submitting the application for financing the investment plan
- To have at least three (5) EME of dependent work, during the calendar year preceding the submission of the funding application.
- No work has been started on the investment project before the submission of the aid application.
To collect at least grade 80 in the digital maturity questionnaire.
Eligible Expenses
- Equipment Expenses (indicative): Supply of sophisticated plant operation systems or personnel, production automation with robotic systems, upgrading of internal data transfer networks, etc.
- Equipment expenses for the production of modern technological equipment and advanced digital systems with indicative but focused expenses (indicative): Supply of advanced technological systems and mechanical equipment for the production of Industry 4.0 systems and equipment. , security systems and equipment (e.g. premises surveillance, cyber-protection, etc.), automation systems, robotic systems, etc.
- Software Expenses (indicative): Provision of modern applications for administrative and financial planning, digital security, customer and supply chain management, data analysis with artificial intelligence tools, production optimization, upgrading of services provided, etc.
- Expenses for the provision of services related to the digital upgrade (indicative): Technical support for the parameterization and integration of the new systems in the operation of SMEs, system certification, etc.
The date of start of expenditure eligibility is defined as the date of electronic submission of the funding application.
Maximum duration of completion of a physical and economic object:
Fifteen (15) months, from the date of issuance of the Incorporation Decision.
- Each applicant company must meet a minimum digital maturity based on the level of existing technologies, applications and equipment it has in operation. The ranking is based on the criteria of the digital maturity questionnaire which is included in the graded criteria and the declared data must be substantiated with documents.
- The business should be registered in the Register of Beneficial Beneficiaries of article 20 of Law 4557/2018 (Α΄ 139), as applicable, before the date of submission of the financing application.
- The grantee budget of the investment project may not exceed three times the highest cycle εργασιώn achieved in one of three (or fewer if the company does not have three) approved accounting periods preceding the year of submission of the application for funding, with a maximum amount of 650.000€.
- The company can implement costs at its headquarters and/or in its branches, as long as all implementation points belong to the same Region Category and as long as they have the same aid intensity
The action foresees up to three (3) requests for verification – certification of expenses (two intermediate and one final).
Contact Info
Plateia Dimokratias 4, Thessaloniki, P. C. 54630
2310 475 675