Business initiative grant program to employ 3,220 young freelancers aged 30 to 45, in the Least Developed Regions (LDRs) and the Region of Western Macedonia, with an emphasis on digital economy
The aim of the Action
The action relates to the strengthening of new businesses that have been created (from 1
January 2022) former unemployed people aged 30-45 years, with an emphasis on businesses
operating in sectors of the digital economy.
former unemployed people aged 30-45 years, with an emphasis on businesses
operating in sectors of the digital economy.
The grant amounts to 14,800 and will be paid in three instalments as follows:
a dose of 4,000 euros, after the approval of the application for funding
dose of 5,400 euros, after the expiry of six months from the start or from the
date of the foundation of all of the terms and conditions of the action
dose of 5,400 euros, after the end of the second semester from the start or from the
date of the foundation of all of the terms and conditions of the action.
Eligible Expenses
The total budget of the programme amounts to 47.656.000 euro
co-financed by the Greek State and the European Social Fund, the
the framework of the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and
Innovation – Restart 2014-2020.
Contact Us
Contact us now to find out about current programs and how you can take advantage of their grants,
in order to improve the position of your company in the market.