Program "SAVE - INVEST"

The Program
The action provides funding for the implementation of interventions, with the aim of improving the energy efficiency of the business. The proposed program is part of an effort for the implementation of the green transition and is associated with the following objectives for the climate and the environment set out in regulation (EU) 2020/852:
- climate change mitigation
- adaptation to climate change
- transition to a circular economy
Budget Program
The budget for public expenditure of the action amounts to a total of 200 million. € and will be distributed discrete in
- 100 million € for the sectors of Trade and Services
- 100 million € for the industry of Tourism
Proportion of Public Subsidy on a per Scheme
EVEN. EU 651/2014:
- – Small and Very small Enterprises = 50%
- – Medium = 40%
EVEN. EU 1407/2013: – Small and Very small Enterprises = 40%
Energy Target
For each project that will be submitted and will be allocated in the framework of the programme, the minimum energy – environmental objective is determined as follows:
- reduction of emission of pollutants (CO2) at least 35%
- primary energy savings of at least 35%
- upgrading the energy efficiency class under SAG at least three (3) energy classes in relation to the existing classification (or mandatory Second class when it comes to a remodel) since it is an upgrade building infrastructure within the provisions of law.4122/2013
Potential Beneficiaries of the Action
In the context of the Action are strengthened existing medium-sized, small and very small businesses.
Eligible for the Action of all companies in the sectors of trade, services, tourism, other than the activities of those who are excluded from the General Exemption Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014 of the Commission and the Regional Aid Guidelines.
Conditions Of Participation
The basic conditions for the participation of an enterprise in Action is the following:
- To set up to business, to be eligible for the Action SMR until 31/12/2020.
- Closed before the date of electronic submission of the proposal for funding at least two (2) management uses twelve-month duration.
- Not arbitrary construction or is not installed arbitrary use of the property and if there has been arranged with the provisions of the applicable law (para.2 of article 83 of law. 4495/2017) or earlier (N. 3843/2010, N. 4014/2011, N.4178/2013).
- To complete the conducting Energy audits, as defined in article 10 of law. 4342/2015 and the relevant Ministerial Decision 178679/04.07.2017 of the company in the existing situation, and to arise from the proposed energy saving projects of the report results of the energy audit, as defined in the above-mentioned Ministerial.
- In the event that the application includes measures to improve the energy efficiency of the building infrastructure, and where provided by law, for the documentation of the necessity of the implementation of the interventions it is necessary to issue an Energy Performance Certificate (EPCS) on the basis of Kenak issued by the Energy Inspector, registered in the Register of Energy Inspectors.
- To achieve at least the minimum energy targetin accordance with the relevant Section.
• Submit one (1) and unique investment proposition at A.F.M. in this Activity throughout the duration of this call (provided the ability to upgrade more than 1 buildings within the same Region in the same application (AFM), as long as it's distinct the details of each building in the proposal).
Budget Investment Projects
In the framework of the Programme:
- For the branches Trade and Services supported projects with a total budget of eur investment (grantee w/h) up to 100.000€,
- Industry Tourism supported projects with a total budget of eur investment (grantee w/h) from 50.000€ up to 500.000€. The Capacity the unit should be up to one hundred (100) beds.
The upper limits do not include VAT, which is not an eligible cost
During Project Implementation
The duration of the implementation of each proposal, may not exceed eighteen (18) months from the date of adoption of the decision of inclusion of the proposal.
Eligible Expenses
Eligible interventions are indicative of the following:
- interventions energy upgrade building shell as thermal insulation of opaque building elements, replacement of transparent structural components, installation shading systems,
- interventions the energy upgrade of the lighting system, internal and external, such as the replacement of lighting fixtures from new LED technology, installation of automation coupling artificial with natural lighting, installation of automation of a reduction in consumption due to the absence / presence of users,
- interventions energy saving in heating systems sites such as replacing a boiler by heat pumps, enhancement of thermal distribution networks, replacement of terminal units of new more energy-efficient,
- interventions energy-saving cooling systems sites as a replacement coolers of modern technology, heat pumps or chillers, enhancement of thermal distribution networks, replacement of terminal units of new more energy-efficient,
- interventions energy saving in systems of ventilation of premises such as replacement of K.K.M. by modern technology, with recovery of the energy in the exhaust air, enhancement of thermal distribution networks, replacement fan unit for new energy-efficient controlled by electronic devices (inverters),
- interventions energy-saving systems for domestic hot water such as replacing a boiler by heat pumps, enhancement of thermal distribution networks, replacement of units for storage of new more energy-efficient,
- interventions installation of renewable energy systemsas solar thermal systems, photovoltaic systems, energy storage systems, small wind turbines, and geothermal A/B including γεωεναλλακτών,
- installation of automation systems, control and management at the local but at the central level
- systems to improve power quality
Not eligible:
- Maintenance work.
- Mobile data, not of a permanent nature (e.g. drapes, interior blinds, etc.).
- Other equipment that I don't contribute to the energy upgrade of the building
- Employer's contributions for the construction work and the costs related to customs duties, and fees
Other support Services
In the context of the Action is possible the financing of the following support services:
- Services Of An Energy Auditoras defined by law. 4342/2015 and the relevant Material.A. 178679/04.07.2017.
- Services Energy Inspectoras defined by the law. 4122/2013 and the relevant Material.A. 178581/30-06-2017 for the issuing of Energy Performance Certificates (original and final) for the cases of buildings that fall within the scope of Kenak.
- Development and Certification of an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001.
- Consulting services monitoring and management
- Studies and research all forms necessary for the implementation of the report results of the energy audit relevant to the purposes of the Action.
Contact Us
Contact us now to find out about current programs and how you can take advantage of their grants,
in order to improve the position of your company in the market.